I recently responded to a social media post in a group I am in and thought it would be good to share my response here as well. The member asked what to do when you are burnt out on your business. She asked for advice on how to overcome this and begin to see results.
I could hear and feel her frustration because I have been there myself. I understood where she was coming from and empathized with her. There were a lot of good recommendations and advice in response to her post, but if you’re burnt out on business, then the issue might not be business strategy specifically, as some in the group had suggested. I asked if she had considered that her mindset and mental health might need some attention first.

You have likely felt like this group member if you are also an entrepreneur. Maybe you have experienced some frustration because you were not getting the traction you had expected when you first launched. Or, maybe you are getting a lot of hits on social media, but appointments and sales are a slow trickle and not a steady stream.
These disappointments can take their toll on your mental health and self-worth. You might wonder if you made the right decision to start a business. You begin to second guess every strategy, every decision, every email, wondering what you could have done wrong. Or maybe you even started to look for a way out.
How do you keep a positive attitude and attend to potential and existing customers when you’re feeling anything but positive or attentive? How do you pull yourself out of the vicious cycle of self-doubt, inactivity, procrastination, and lackluster results?
As an entrepreneur and business consultant, I know all too well how you feel. And I’m here to tell you that this is only temporary. There are some things you can do to help pull yourself out of the proverbial mental gutter and get back to a state where you are capable and ready to run your business.
Below, I share four tips that helped me get back on track each time I hit a roadblock or felt like giving up (which has happened more times than I can count, if I’m being honest). But, truth be told, it’s to be expected. Entrepreneurship is not easy, but it is doable. And when you know what to expect, you can better prepare for what’s coming.
Tip 1) Get your mind right and tend to your mental health.
Sure, things may look like they are not working out right now, but remember, you must plant the seed before you see any fruit. Create consistency in how and where you show up, especially when it means showing up for yourself. Take time to evaluate what you are doing and if it fits your vision for your life and your business. If things are not lining up, then decide what steps to take so that you are moving in alignment with what you say you want.
Tip 2) Figure out what you have and need to be successful.
Evaluate your current business situation. Ask yourself the following questions: What am I missing? What works for me? What has not worked for me? Who can I go to for help? Does this align with my vision for myself and the business?
Tip 3) Ask for help.
Even though many entrepreneurs are solopreneurs (working their businesses alone), we know the benefit of networking and coming together in a community. That’s where you can find inspiration when motivation fails you. Listening to questions and input about what it takes to run a business, get clients, and increase revenue will give you ideas of what you can or should not be doing in your business.
Tip 4) What is your why?
Remember why you are doing what you do. My “why” is my children. I have been doing all this for them for a long time because I wanted to make sure they still had every opportunity to grow and experience life, even though I’m a single parent. So ask yourself, “what is my why?” Why did you decide to start your business? Were you inspired by your family or other life experience? Do you love helping others? Maybe you want to make a positive difference in others’ lives. Whatever your “why”, write it down and post it somewhere you will see it daily. Recite it every time you feel like throwing in the towel. You see, your why is a powerful antidote to giving up.
Entrepreneurship and running a business are not for the meek or weak. You must develop resilience that nudges you when you don’t feel like it or don’t think what you’re doing will make a difference. Learn to believe the best about yourself and that you can achieve your goals. Because when you believe you are worthy of success, it will come. The success you want in your business starts first in your mind before it can become your reality.
So grant yourself a little grace. Take a deep breath. You’ve got this!
If you are looking for a book that can help you shift your mindset from “woe is me” to unapologetically going after what you want, then I highly recommend “You Owe You” by Eric Thomas*. I have read this powerful book myself and raved about it so much that I gave copies as gifts to a few of those close to me. This book will help you gain a whole new perspective on your dreams and experiences and provide you with inspiration and empowerment to keep going in the way only “ET the Hip Hop Preacher” can deliver. (*Please note this is an affiliate link, and any purchase will result in my earning a commission. This does not affect your purchase or increase your purchase price of this item.)
As a business consultant and virtual assistant, I help emerging entrepreneurs start their businesses, and I support existing business owners organize and grow their current businesses. If you want to know more about how I can help your current or future business, let’s schedule a time to chat. Visit https://Charae.as.me/hello to schedule a free appointment. Or send an email to Charae.Metevia@mbsllcmd.com.
Looking forward,